Top React Interview Questions and Answers

Top React Interview Questions and Answers


Top React Interview Questions and Answers 

In the event that you are a hopeful front-end designer getting ready for interviews, this blog is for you.

This blog on Top React Interview Questions and Answers is the ideal guide for you to gain proficiency with all the ideas needed to clear a React meet.

Be that as it may, prior to beginning with the c, we should investigate React's interest and status on the lookout.

Gradually and consistently, the JavaScript devices are firming their foundations in the commercial center, and interest in the React certificate is expanding dramatically. Choosing the correct innovation for building up an application or site is getting all the more tested.

Among all, React is considered the fastest-developing Javascript structure. Allow us to begin by investigating the absolute most habitually posed React Interview Questions.

This is a list of some popular React interview questions and answers that will help you prepare better. These questions are a good place to kick-start beginners' React interview questions and answers.

For this, it is vital to be familiar with technical React interview questions and answers as well. These questions will be extremely beneficial to those seeking experienced-level interview questions.

Below listed are the top React Interview Questions along with their answers.


List of React Interview Questions and Answers

React Interview Questions and Answers – set 1 

React Interview Questions 1

1. What are the upsides of utilizing React? 

MVC is by and large condensed as Model View Controller. Utilization of the virtual DOM improves productivity. React utilizes a virtual DOM to deliver the view. Virtual DOM, as the name implies, is a virtual representation of the genuine DOM.

Each time the information changes in a React app, another virtual DOM gets made. Making a virtual DOM is a lot quicker than delivering the UI inside the program. Thus, with the utilization of virtual DOM, the productivity of the application improves.

The delicate expectation to absorb information

React has a delicate expectation to absorb information when contrasted with systems like Angular. Anybody with little information on Javascript can begin building web applications utilizing React.

Search engine optimization benevolent

React permits designers to create connected UIs that can be effectively explored in different web indexes. It likewise permits worker-side delivery, which helps the SEO of an application.

Reusable parts

React utilizes part-based design for creating applications. Parts are free and reusable pieces of code. These parts can be shared across different applications based on their comparative usefulness. The re-utilization of segments expands the speed of improvement.

The colossal environment of libraries to look over

React gives you the opportunity to pick the apparatuses, libraries, and engineering for building up an application dependent on your necessity.


2. What is JSX?

JSX represents JavaScript XML.

It permits us to compose HTML inside JavaScript and spot them in the DOM without utilizing capacities like appendChild( ) or createElement( ).

As expressed in the authority documents of React, JSX gives syntactic sugar to React.createElement( ) work. This would be a part of the ReactJS interview questions.


3. What are the contrasts among practical and class segments?

Prior to the presentation of Hooks in React, useful segments were called stateless parts and were behind class segments on the component premise. After the presentation of Hooks, useful segments are comparable to class segments.

Albeit practical parts are the new pattern, the React group demands keeping class segments in React. Hence, it is essential to realize how these two segments contrast.

On the accompanying premise, how about we look at utilitarian and class parts:


Utilitarian segments are only JavaScript capacities and consequently can be pronounced utilizing a bolt work or the capacity catchphrase.

Taking care of props

In useful parts, the treatment of props is really straight-forward. Any prop given as a contention to a utilitarian segment can be straightforwardly utilized inside HTML components.

React is an incredible trend in business nowadays. As of now, React is the most famous front-end innovation that an ever-increasing number of organizations are utilizing, and in the event that you are getting ready for a prospective employee meeting, this ReactJS inquiry questions article is the perfect one for you.

Here's a thorough rundown of all the normal ReactJS inquiries questions that are often asked in meetings, and these will help you understand the crucial ideas of React as well. Interview questions for react JS are pretty common, and one must be prepared for them.


4. What are the highlights of React? 

JSX: JSX is a linguistic structure augmentation to JavaScript. It is utilized with React to depict what the UI ought to resemble. By utilizing JSX, we can compose HTML structures in the very document that contains JavaScript code.

Segments: Components are the building blocks of any React application, and a solitary application, for the most part, comprises numerous segments.

It parts the UI into free, reusable parts that can be handled independently.

Virtual DOM: React keeps a lightweight portrayal of the genuine DOM in memory, and that is known as the virtual DOM.

At the point when the condition of an item changes, the virtual DOM changes just that object in the genuine DOM, as opposed to refreshing all the articles.

Single-direction information is authoritative: React's single-direction information restriction keeps everything particular and quick.

A unidirectional information stream implies that when planning a React application, you frequently home kid parts inside parent segments.

Elite: React refreshes just those segments that have changed, as opposed to refreshing all the segments immediately. This outcome is a lot quicker for web applications.


What is JSX?

JSX is a linguistic structure expansion of JavaScript. It is utilized with React to portray what the UI ought to resemble. By utilizing JSX, we can compose HTML structures in the very record that contains JavaScript code.


5. Could internet browsers read JSX straightforwardly?

Internet browsers can't peruse JSX straightforwardly. This is on the grounds that they are only working to peruse ordinary JS items, and JSX is definitely not a normal JavaScript object.

For an internet browser to peruse a JSX record, the document should be changed into a normal JavaScript object. For this, we use Babel.


6. What is the virtual DOM?

DOM represents the Document Object Model. The DOM speaks to an HTML archive with a coherent tree structure. Each part of the tree closes into a hub, and every hub contains objects.

React keeps a lightweight portrayal of the genuine DOM in memory, and that is known as the virtual DOM. At the point when the condition of an item changes, the virtual DOM changes just that object in the genuine DOM instead of refreshing all the articles.


7. Why use React rather than different structures, as Angular? 


Simple making of dynamic applications: React makes it simpler to make dynamic web applications since it requires less coding and gives greater usefulness, though, with JavaScript applications, code will, in general, get mind-bogglingly complex rapidly.


Improved execution: React utilizes a virtual DOM, which makes web applications perform quicker. The virtual DOM thinks about its past state and updates just those segments in the genuine DOM whose states have changed instead of refreshing all the segments, like in customary web applications.


Reusable parts: Components are the structure squares of any React application, and a solitary application typically comprises of different segments.

These parts have their own rationale and controls, and they can be reused through the application, which, thus, significantly decreases the advancement season of an application.

Information stream

Unidirectional information stream: React follows a unidirectional information stream. This implies that when planning the application, we frequently home youngster parts inside parent segments.

Also, since the information streams in a solitary way, it gets simpler to investigate mistakes and know where the issue happens in an application right now.


Devoted apparatuses for simple troubleshooting: Facebook has delivered a Chrome extension that we can use to investigate these applications. This makes the path toward troubleshooting React for web applications quicker and simpler.


8. How would you make a React application?

Introduce NodeJS on the PC, since we need npm to introduce the React library. Npm is the hub bundle supervisor that contains numerous JavaScript libraries, including React.

  • Introduce the make react-application bundle utilizing the order brief or terminal.
  • Introduce a content tool of your decision, similar to VS Code or Sublime Text.


9. What is an occasion in React?

An occasion is an activity that a client or framework may trigger, for example, by squeezing a key, clicking a mouse, and so forth. React occasions are named using camelCase, as opposed to lowercase in HTML.

With JSX, you pass a capacity as the occasion overseer, as opposed to a string in HTML.


10. What are engineered occasions in React?

Manufactured occasions join the reactions of various programs' local occasions into one API, guaranteeing that the occasions are predictable across various programs.

The application is predictable, paying little mind to the program it is running in. Clarify how records work in React. We make records in React as we do in ordinary JavaScript. Records show information in an organized configuration.


React Interview Questions and Answers - Set 2

React Interview Questions 2

11. Why would that be a requirement for utilizing keys in Lists? 

Keys are vital in records for the accompanying reasons:

A key is an extraordinary identifier, and it is utilized to distinguish which things have changed, been refreshed, or been erased from the rundowns.

It likewise assists with figuring out which segments should be re-delivered rather than re-delivering all the parts without fail. Subsequently, it expands execution as just the refreshed segments are re-delivered.


12. What are the segments in React? 

Parts are the structure squares of any React application, and a solitary application typically comprises of different segments. A segment is basically a bit of the UI. It parts the UI into free, reusable parts that can be prepared independently.

This is part of the React basic interview questions.

There are two sorts of parts in React:

Practical Components: These sorts of parts have no condition of their own and just contain rendering techniques, and hence are additionally called stateless segments. They may get information from different parts as props (properties).

work Greeting(props) {


Welcome To {Props.Name}



Class Components: These sorts of segments can hold and deal with their own state and have a different render strategy to return JSX on the screen. They are additionally called Stateful segments as they can have a state.

Class Greeting broadens React. Component {

render() {


Welcome To {This.Props.Name}





13. What is the utilization of render() in React? 

It is needed for every part to have a render() function. This capacity restores the HTML, which is to be shown in part. In the event that you need to deliver more than one component, the entirety of the components should be inside one parent label, like


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14. What is a state in React?

The state is an implicit React object that is utilized to contain information or data about the part. The state is a part that can change after some time, and at whatever point it changes, the segment re-renders.

The adjustment in the state can occur as a reaction to client activity or framework created occasions. It decides the conduct of the segment and how it will deliver.


15. How would you update the condition of a part?

We can refresh the condition of a part by utilizing the implicit "setState()" technique.


16. What are props in React?

Props are short for properties. It is a React inherent article that stores the estimation of the characteristics of a tag and works comparably to HTML credits.

Props give an approach to passing information, starting with one part and then moving onto the next segment. Props are passed to the part similarly as contentions are passed in a capacity.


17. What is a higher-request segment in React? 

A higher-request segment goes about as a holder for different segments. This assists with keeping parts basic and empowers re-convenience. They are by and large utilized when different segments need to utilize a typical rationale.


18. What is Redux?

Revival is an open-source JavaScript library used to oversee application state. React utilizes Redux to assemble the UI. It is an anticipated state compartment for JavaScript applications and is utilized for the whole application's state executives.


19. What are the parts of Redux?

Store: Holds the condition of the application.

Activity: The source data for the store

Reducer: Specifies how the application's state changes because of activities shipped off the store.


20. What are engineered occasions in React?

Manufactured occasions are the articles that go about as a cross-program covering around the program's local occasion. They consolidate the conduct of various programs into one API. This is done to ensure that the occasions show steady properties across various programs.


21. What is the Flux? 

Transition is the application engineering that Facebook utilizes for building web applications. It is a technique for taking care of complex information inside a customer side application and overseeing how information streams in a React app.

There is a solitary wellspring of information (the store), and setting off specific activities is the lone route approach to refreshing them.

The activities call the dispatcher, and afterward, the store is set off and refreshed with their own information as needs is; at the point when a dispatch has been set off and the store refreshes, it will discharge a change occasion so the perspectives can re-render likewise.


React Interview Questions and Answers - Set 3

React Interview Questions 3

22. What is React Router? 

React Router is a directing library based on top of React that is utilized to take courses in a React app. 


23. For what reason do we need to React Router? 

It keeps up steady design and conduct and is utilized to create single-page web applications.

Empowers various perspectives in a solitary application by characterizing different courses in the app. Clarify the utilization of CSS modules in React. The CSS module document is made with the module.css augmentation.

The CSS inside a module document is accessible just for the segment that imported it, so there are no naming clashes while styling the parts.


24. What do you comprehend by Virtual DOM? Clarify its working.

A virtual DOM is a lightweight JavaScript object that is initially only a duplicate of the genuine DOM. It is a hub tree that runs down the components, their qualities, and substance as objects and their properties.

React's render work makes a hub tree out of the React parts. At that point, it refreshes this tree in light of the changes in the information model, which are brought about by different activities done by the client or by the framework.


25. For what reason can't programs read JSX?

Programs can just peruse JavaScript protests; however, JSX is not a customary JavaScript object. Along these lines, to empower a program to peruse JSX, we first need to change the JSX record into a JavaScript object utilizing JSX transformers like Babel and afterward pass it to the program.

This could help in dealing with advanced React interview questions.


26. What do you comprehend from "In React, everything is a segment."

Parts are the structure squares of a React application's UI. These segments split up the whole UI into little autonomous and reusable pieces. At that point, it delivers every one of these segments independently of one another without influencing the remainder of the UI.

Clarify the reason for render() in React.

Each React part should have a render() obligatorily. It restores a solitary React component, which is the representation of the local DOM segment. In the event that an overabundance is delivered, at that point, they should be assembled inside one encasing label, for example,

, ,

and so forth. This capacity should be kept unadulterated, i.e., it should restore a similar outcome each time it is conjured.

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27. What is Props?

Props are the shorthand for Properties in React. They have perused just segments that should be kept unadulterated, for example, permanent. They are constantly passed down from the parent to the kid parts all through the application.

A youngster segment can never send a prop back to the parent segment. This assists in keeping up the unidirectional information stream and are by and large used to deliver the progressively produced information.


28. What is a state in React, and how is it utilized?

States are the core of React segments. States are the wellspring of information and should be kept as straightforward as could reasonably be expected.

Essentially, states are the items that decide segments, delivery, and conduct. They are impermanent, not normal for the props, and make dynamic and intelligent segments. They are gotten to through this.state().

Clarify the lifecycle strategies for React segments in detail. The absolute most significant lifecycle techniques are:

  • componentWillMount()—Executed not long prior to delivering, this happens both on the customer side and the worker side.
  • componentDidMount()—Executed on the customer side exclusively after the principal render.
  • componentWillReceiveProps()—Invoked when the props are gotten from the parent class and before another render is called.
  • shouldComponentUpdate() – Returns valid or bogus value depending on specific conditions. On the off chance that you need your part to refresh, return genuine else, return bogus. Of course, it returns false.
  • The component will update() – Called not long prior to delivering happens in the DOM.
  • componentDidUpdate()—Called following delivery happens.
  • The component will unmount() – Called after the part is unmounted from the DOM. It is utilized to clear up the memory spaces.


29. What is an occasion in React? 

In React, occasions are the set-off reactions to explicit activities like mouse drift, mouse click, keypress, and so forth. Taking care of these occasions is like dealing with occasions in DOM components. In any case, there are some grammatical contrasts, like:

  • Occasions are named utilizing camel case rather than simply utilizing the lowercase.
  • Occasions are passed as capacities rather than strings.
  • The occasion contention contains a bunch of properties that are explicit to an occasion. Every occasion type contains its own properties and conduct, which can be gotten to through its occasion overseer, as it were.


30. What are engineered occasions in React?

Manufactured occasions are the articles that go about as a cross-program covering around the program's local occasion. They consolidate the operation of various programs into one API. This is done to ensure that the occasions show steady properties across various programs.


31. What do you comprehend by refs in React?

Refs are the shorthand for References in React. It is a characteristic that assists with putting away a reference to a specific React component or segment, which will be returned by the segments when they render arrangement work.

It is utilized to restore references to a specific component or segment returned by render(). They prove to be useful when we need DOM estimations or to add strategies to the segments.


32. How are structures made in React?

React structures are like HTML structures. In any case, in React, the state is contained in the state property of the part and is just refreshed by means of setState().

In this way, the components can't straightforwardly refresh their states, and their accommodation is taken care of by JavaScript work. This capacity has full admittance to the information that is entered by the client into a structure.


33. Name a couple of procedures to improve React application execution. 

There are numerous routes through which one can streamline the exhibition; we should examine some of them:

Utilizing useMemo( )

It is a React snare that is utilized for storing CPU-Expensive capacities.

Once in a while in a React app, a CPU-Expensive capacity gets called consistently because of re-renders of a part, which can prompt moderate delivery.

useMemo( ) snare can be utilized to reserve such capacities. By utilizing useMemo( ), the CPU-Expensive capacity gets called just when it is required.

Utilizing React.PureComponent

It is a base part class that checks the state and props of a segment to know whether the segment ought to be refreshed.

Rather than utilizing the straightforward React. Component, we can utilize React.PureComponent to decrease the re-renders of a part superfluously.

Keeping up State Colocation

This is a cycle of moving the state as near where you need it as reasonably possible.

Once in a while, in React applications, we have a ton of superfluous states inside the parent segment, which makes the code less coherent and harder to keep up.

Not to forget, having numerous states inside a solitary part prompts superfluous re-renders for the segment.

It is smarter to move states that are less important to the parent segment to a different segment.

Languid Loading

It is a procedure used to lessen the heap season of a React application. Lethargic stacking diminishes the danger of web application exhibitions to an insignificant degree.



Going through this list of React interview questions and answers will be very helpful for anyone looking to get recruited. Be sure to brush up on react interview questions and answers to help enhance your chances of getting recruited.

Getting the help of a reputed accreditation organization like Sprintzeal can help you be thorough with the subject to help ensure recruitment. Getting the help of an organization like Sprintzeal will help you deal with React interviews. This list of React interview questions and answers will be helpful in your interview preparation.

Remember that you have to be thorough with these React interview questions and answers in order to stand a good chance of getting recruited. Going through this article and focusing on the answers given to the React interview questions will put in good stead.

However, to really excel at answering React interview questions, you need to work hard. These sets of React interview questions and answers will help you do that.

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Aradhya Kumar

Aradhya Kumar

With years of experience and a vast amount of knowledge in Project Management, Agile Management, Scrum, and other popular domains, Aradhya Kumar is well-versed in creating content for audiences from various fields and industries.

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